April is Fair Housing Month, the time of the year when the nation marks the passage of the Fair Housing Act, the landmark law passed shortly after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1968. To mark the occasion, Fair Housing Coach gets back to basics with an overview of fair housing law.
There’s a lot going on in Washington. A new HUD chief is now on the job, but it’s too soon to tell how the change in leadership will affect fair housing regulatory requirements adopted in the waning days of the previous administration. Whatever happens, there’s one thing for certain—it won’t change your obligation to comply with the Fair Housing Act (FHA), the federal law banning housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and familial status. The law has been on the books for nearly 50 years—and it’s not going anywhere. It’s still important for everyone working at the community—from the owner on down—to understand and abide by the FHA along with any applicable state or local fair housing laws.
In the April lesson, the Coach reviews fair housing essentials, including what the law says, who must comply, and who is protected. The focus will be on federal law, but we’ll point out state and local variations that go beyond federal requirements. Then we’ll offer seven rules to help you understand your basic obligations to comply with fair housing law.
For more information, see the April lesson, Fair Housing 101: How to Comply with Fair Housing Law,” available to our subscribers here.