The DOB recently updated the rules for periodic elevator and boiler inspections. The new requirements alter the timing for submitting test and inspection reports for both elevators and boilers in New York City. We’ll go over the basic requirements and cover the changes the recent updates made to the requirements.
The boiler inspection cycle is Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Internal and external inspections for low-pressure boiler and high-pressure boilers must be performed and filed with the DOB during this cycle.
Low-pressure boilers. Low-pressure boiler inspections can be performed only by authorized boiler inspectors licensed by the DOB or an authorized insurance company. Low-pressure boilers in residential buildings with six or more families must be inspected and filed with the DOB annually, as well as H-stamp domestic hot water heaters with over 350,000 BTUs in residential, mixed-use, and commercial buildings; low-pressure boilers in any residential buildings classified as a single room occupancy dwellings; low-pressure boilers in commercial buildings; and low-pressure boilers in mixed-used buildings.
Conversely, low-pressure boilers in residential buildings with five families or fewer; H-stamp domestic hot water heaters in residential buildings with five families or fewer; individual boilers heating individual residential units (including residential portions of mixed-use buildings); and low-pressure boilers with an input of 100,000 BTUs or less don’t require an annual inspection.
High-pressure boilers. High-pressure boilers must have two inspections—an internal inspection and an external inspection. These inspections must be conducted within the same cycle but should be performed approximately six months apart. Inspections can be performed only by an authorized insurance company. Owners must hire a qualified boiler inspector employed by an authorized insurance company to perform annual high-pressure boiler inspections.
New boiler requirements. According to the DOB, as of Jan. 1, owners of boilers must comply with the following new annual boiler inspection requirements:
It’s important to note that the current inspection cycle of Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 won’t change.
Two recent DOB service updates regarding elevator inspections highlight changes to the code. The changes include defining more specifically who’s able to do inspections, as well as the timing and type of inspections.
As of Jan. 1, the DOB will no longer subcontract “Periodic Inspections” to what were previously known as “PVT Agencies," but rather, the annual inspections become the responsibility of the building owner. Other changes to the periodic inspection requirements include:
There are also changes to the time frames for filing Category 1 and 5 inspection reports as well as the correction of deficiencies and filing of affirmation of correction affidavits—all of which were reduced significantly.
Periodic inspections. Periodic inspections must be performed between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 of each year at a minimum of three months from the date of any Category 1 testing or previous periodic inspection. Initial periodic inspections on new installations must be performed in the calendar year following the final acceptance test.
The DOB may grant an extension of 45 days upon the owner’s submission of an application demonstrating a practical difficulty in complying within the 90-day time frame. In no case will more than two such extensions be granted for a specific defect.
Category 1 and 5 inspections. Category 1 tests must be performed and submitted to the DOB by Dec. 31 every year. The Category 5 test must be performed every five years from date of installation. According to the recent service update, here are the new requirements for category testing of elevators beginning Jan. 1:
The completed reports, with all applicable signatures, must be filed within 21 days (instead of the previous 60 days) after the date of the test. All defects as found in the category test report must be corrected within 90 days (not 120) after the date of test. Owners may request up to two 45-day extensions. And an Affirmation of Correction must be filed within 14 days (not 60 days) of the date of correction.