The NYC Benchmarking Law, Local Law 84 of 2009 as amended by Local Law 133 of 2016, requires owners of large buildings to measure their energy and water consumption annually in a process called benchmarking. The law standardizes this process by requiring building owners to enter their annual energy and water use in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) online tool, ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, and use the tool to submit data to the city. This data informs building owners about a building's energy and water consumption compared to similar buildings and tracks progress year over year to help in energy efficiency planning.
In 2018, the Local Law 33 was enacted to improve awareness among the general public on building performance and energy consumption. With Local Law 33, all large building owners subject to the benchmarking law are required to display the energy grade of each building annually, in a clearly visible location.
No later than Oct. 31, 2020, and Oct. 31 of each year after 2020, owners of buildings over 25,000 square feet or owners of multiple buildings on a lot that totals 100,000 square feet or more that appear on the NYC Benchmarking Covered Building List must post a building energy efficiency rating label in a conspicuous location near each public entrance to their buildings. The list of covered buildings can be found at
The building energy efficiency rating label will include the energy efficiency score of the building, which is calculated through Portfolio Manager, and an energy efficiency rating of A through F, as required in Local Law 33 of 2018 and Local Law 95 of 2019. Failure to post the label within 30 days after Oct. 1 may result in a civil penalty of $1,250.
Beginning Oct. 1, 2020, owners can access and print the label through a new Building Energy Efficiency Rating tab in the DOB NOW Public Portal at The label may be printed in color or in gray scale. The DOB suggests framing or laminating the label, but this isn’t required as long as all information included in the label is clearly visible for the entire year.
Once printed, the label must be displayed either externally or internally in a conspicuous location near each public entrance, so it’s visible to the public. The label must be at a vertical height no less than 4 feet and no more than 6 feet from the ground or floor. The label must not be defaced, marred, camouflaged, or hidden from public view. The label must be displayed year-round and replaced each year with the latest issued version.
The energy label will include both a letter grade and the building’s energy efficiency score. An energy efficiency score is the Energy Star Rating that a building earns using Portfolio Manager to compare building energy performance to similar buildings in similar climates. As per Local Law 95 of 2019, grades based on Energy Star energy efficiency scores are assigned as follows:
Buildings exempted from benchmarking or not covered by the Energy Star program include the following: