The DOB’s Boiler Unit oversees the installation and operation of New York City’s boilers. Owners are responsible for ensuring that their boilers operate safely and are in compliance with the Building Code and all related regulations. The boiler inspection cycle runs from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. And low-pressure boiler and high-pressure boiler internal and external inspections must be performed and filed with the DOB during this cycle.
The boiler unit issues violations for failure to file an annual boiler inspection report to the DOB. To help owners keep track of boiler violations and calculate the penalties owed, a new Boiler Violations Portal has launched in DOB Now: Safety, the online platform for filing representatives, registered architects, professional engineers, and owners to submit their compliance filings with the DOB. According to a recent service notice, the portal will allow the public to search for boiler violations at a property and any amount due for these violations. It will be mandatory to submit in DOB NOW: Safety all payments for failure to file an annual inspection report for low- and high-pressure boilers and requests to waive civil penalties resulting from these violations.
The DOB notes that most violations for failure to file an annual boiler inspection report can’t be dismissed without payment of the full civil penalty. In addition, a current boiler inspection report may be needed to clear violations from prior years. Or, if the device has been removed and/or annual inspection reports are no longer required, then a job filing and OP49 notification of removal may be required.