Owners anticipating construction work in their occupied buildings must comply with Tenant Protection Plan (TPP) requirements and notices. These requirements came about in 2017 through a package of bills focusing on tenant harassment. At the time, among the bills signed into law was one for an Office of the Tenant Advocate within the Department of Buildings that monitors various protection plans for tenants and responds to complaints from tenants about construction problems.
You must know the difference between the TPP and the notice form. There are two documents you’ll need to be aware of:
Owners must manage both documents by submitting a work- and building-specific TPP and distributing or posting the DOB-approved notice in order to stay compliant. As of June 22, there are new updates to the Tenant Protection Plan form (TPP1) for residential buildings undergoing construction. The latest version of the form can be found at https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/buildings/pdf/tpp1.pdf.
Here are the changes:
As a result of changes made to the TPP1 form, the TPP Notice to Occupants has also been modified. The current version can be found at https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/buildings/pdf/tpp_occupants_notice.pdf. Local Law 154 of 2017 requires owners to post or distribute a notice regarding the tenant protection plan when the DOB issues the work permit. The notice must be distributed to each occupied dwelling unit or posted in the lobby and:
In addition to the notice to occupants, Local Law 154 requires owners to notify the DOB in writing at least 72 hours before starting work that requires a TPP. This can be done online at https://a810-efiling.nyc.gov/eRenewal/tpp.jsp.
Owners anticipating construction work also can’t forget about the Safe Construction Bill of Rights. In addition to the TPP, a Safe Construction Bill of Rights must be distributed or posted. Local Law 159 requires owners to provide a Safe Construction Bill of Rights for the following types of construction:
The Safe Construction Bill of Rights notice must include:
Owners must distribute the Safety Construction Bill of Rights notice to each occupied dwelling unit or post it in the building lobby, as well as on every floor within 10 feet of every elevator bank, or, in a building with no elevator, within 10 feet of every main stairwell. The notice must be published in English, Spanish, and any other languages that HPD may provide by rule. The notice must remain posted until the completion of the described permitted work.
You can find the Bill of Rights form provided by the DOB at https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/hpd/downloads/pdfs/services/local-law-159-english.pdf.