The city’s Department of Sanitation (DOS) will be conducting special curbside collections for mulching and recycling Christmas trees through Saturday, Jan. 12, 2019. Recycling trees and wreaths doesn’t just help the environment. It also helps eliminate the fire hazard posed by storing dried-out trees and wreaths in your building overnight or longer. The trees and wreaths may simply be put curbside until Jan. 12, and weather permitting, DOS will collect and compost the Christmas trees left at the curb. The trees are chipped, mixed with leaves, and recycled into rich compost for NYC’s parks, institutions, and community gardens.
You don’t need to tie trees and wreaths up before placing them at the curb. DOS will collect them on an as-needed basis. However, you must follow three recycling rules. Trees that still have the following items attached will be collected as garbage.
For artificial trees in good condition, DOS encourages donating or selling them at DonateNYC. Otherwise, if you are throwing out an artificial Christmas tree larger than 4 feet, you must schedule a bulk pickup appointment. Artificial trees 4 feet and smaller can be thrown out with regular garbage.
If your tenants are feeling festive, they can see their tree get turned into mulch at MulchFest. MulchFest runs through Sunday, Jan. 13. Information on MulchFest can be found here.