HPD recently reminded tenants, owners, and landlords of the temperature requirements for all apartments as New York’s “heat season” begins. The 2018-2019 “heat season” begins on Monday, Oct. 1 and continues through Friday, May 31.
During heat season, all residential building owners are required to maintain indoor temperatures at 68 degrees when it falls below 55 degrees outside during the day and a minimum of 62 degrees indoors overnight, regardless of outdoor temperatures. Building owners are legally required to provide hot water at 120 degrees year-round.
HPD responds to all heat and hot water complaints, and encourages tenants to check the HPD online webpage to learn the result of the complaint. Tenants can also receive complaint status updates via text if a phone number is provided when a complaint is submitted. If a landlord fails to provide heat entirely, HPD’s Emergency Repair Program (ERP) or Housing Litigation Division will intervene to seek the restoration of heat.
Here are some statistics from the 2017-2018 Heat Season (Oct. 1, 2017 – May 31, 2018):