HPD and NYC Housing Development Corporation (HDC) recently announced the launch of Partners in Preservation, a new pilot program that will serve as a hub for local anti-displacement initiatives in the Inwood and Washington Heights, East Harlem, and Jerome Avenue neighborhoods. The program will provide funding for community-based organizations to jointly coordinate anti-displacement initiatives – such as code enforcement, tenant organizing and education, legal representation, affirmative litigation, and other strategies – in these neighborhoods.
The program is funded by the City of New York and Enterprise Community Partners with a commitment of $1.5 million. Enterprise funding was the result a New York State Attorney General settlement.
The pilot program will focus on four core strategies:
HPD will devote staff and provide funding for community-based organizations to jointly coordinate anti-displacement initiatives in the pilot neighborhoods. In the coming months, the city will be issuing a request for proposals (RFP) to identify and procure qualified non-profit partners. In addition to the $1.5 million allocated for community-based organizations, HPD will be dedicating staff members to operate and coordinate the program.