The DOB recently announced the start of the Department’s No-Penalty Deck and Porch Inspection Program, a citywide initiative that allows New Yorkers to request a free inspection of their decks and porches without the threat of receiving a violation. This is the fourth consecutive year the Department has offered free “no-penalty” inspections to ensure that New Yorkers enjoy a healthy and safe summer season. Property owners can request an inspection through Aug. 1, 2013, by calling 311.
Under the program, the Department will offer free inspections of porches and decks, which if not properly maintained, can become structurally compromised due to weather, use, and years of exposure to the elements. If an inspection shows that general repairs to a deck or porch are necessary, the Department will defer issuing a violation to allow the homeowner adequate time to correct the conditions. If dangerous conditions are found to pose an immediate threat, the Department will take action to ensure necessary repairs are made as quickly as possible.
As part of the inspection, decks and porches are examined to ensure they are structurally sound and in compliance with city regulations. Inspectors will check decks and porches for any evidence of cracks, rotting, failed connections, or other warning signs that can lead to a potential structural failure. By law, property owners are required to maintain their buildings, including decks and porches, in a safe and lawful manner at all times.