Unlike previous years, starting in 2013, the annual property registration cycle will be the same for all properties that are required to register. All properties will be required to be registered annually by Sept 1.
Owners or their agents will receive the re-registration form from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) at the end of May or beginning of June each year. And instructions will be provided on the form. The information required for registration won’t change. An owner is required to provide contact information about the owner or owning entity, the managing agent, the site management, and who can be contacted in the event that there’s an emergency at the building. HPD is also requesting email addresses for the managing agent, individual owner, and 24-hour contact person because email notices–for example, when complaints are filed, Notices of Violation are issued, or registrations are required–can be sent to these individuals to advise them quickly of actions that the agency may be taking.
If your property currently has a registration due date prior to Sept. 1, 2013, your current registration is being extended by HPD as valid until Sept. 1, 2013. You don’t need to take any action to extend the date.