The Department of Buildings (DOB) has posted updated the following post-hurricane repair information:
1. Elevator Applications: Post-Hurricane Repairs
All repair or replacement work to elevators damaged by Hurricane Sandy must be filed with the DOB and comply with the below guidelines.
For additional questions, you can contact the DOB’s Elevator Division at
2. Boiler Repairs: Hurricane Sandy Damage
Property owners seeking to repair boilers and related equipment damaged by Hurricane Sandy must hire a licensed oil-burning equipment installer or licensed master plumber. This contractor must inspect equipment directly affected by salt water and identify any necessary corrections.
Most often, once wiring or equipment has been in contact with salt water, it must be removed and replaced. Dried salt can conduct electricity and cause an electrical fire. While a licensed contractor may observe other conditions needing repair, the following steps are required if the listed equipment was in contact with or submerged in salt water:
Emergency work permits are available for emergency repairs. Email the Boiler Unit at if you need assistance or have additional questions.
3. Hurricane Repair Work: Application & Permit Fees Waived—UPDATED
Application and permit fees are waived for work on buildings damaged by Hurricane Sandy. The DOB has also waived outstanding civil penalties that would otherwise prevent permits from being issued.