Jan 25, 2011Require_High_Risk_Tenant_to_Get_Insurance.pdfHow to Avoid Extra Liability Posed by High-Risk Tenant...
Dec 28, 2010Keeping Maintenance and Inspection Records to Refute “Constructive Notice” of Defects Claims...
Feb 1, 2010CLLI_February2010_Model Lease Clause_Negotiate Favorable Hazardous Materials Provisions.pdfShift Liability for Hazardous Materials, Compliance to Tenant
Nov 1, 2009CLLI_November2009_Model Lease Clause_Add Limitation of Liability Clause to Lease.pdfAvoid Liability for Tenant's Losses Beyond Your Control
May 1, 2009CLLI_June2009_Model Lease Clause_Bar tenant from demanding damages Other Remedies for Power Outages.pdfHow to Avoid Liability if Power Goes Out
Jan 1, 2008CLLI_January2008_Model Letter_Give Tenant Letter to Avoid Liability for Contractors Mistakes.pdfProtect Yourself from Liability Stemming from Your Approval of Contractors