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Controversial Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne recently announced that she accepted a new job as a regional administrator for HUD. She will oversee HUD in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, and Louisiana.
On April 14, 2017, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Income Limits. These income limits are effective as of April 14. Income limits are set by HUD to determine the eligibility of applicants for HUD’s assisted housing programs. Section 8 Fair Market Rent (FMR) area definitions are used to develop median family income estimates for each metropolitan area and non-metropolitan county.
Senators Al Franken (D-MN) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) recently reintroduced legislation called the “Fair Housing for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors Act.” It builds on the protections provided under the Violence Against Women Act of 2013 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968 by establishing “a nationwide standard that victims of domestic violence and sexual assault cannot be evicted or denied access to housing solely for being victims of those crimes.” In other words, the legislation, if passed, would ensure that legal protections for domestic violence and s
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mick Mulvaney issued a memorandum requiring all federal agencies to begin taking immediate actions to achieve near-term workforce reductions and cost savings based on President Donald Trump’s FY18 Budget Blueprint. The memo provides guidance on fulfilling the requirements of President Trump’s Executive Order 13781, requiring the director of OMB to propose a plan to eliminate unnecessary federal agencies, components of agencies, agency programs, and to merge functions for greater efficiency.
Q: When a prospect in a wheelchair asks about available two-bedroom units, you may recommend accessible or ground-floor units because you can see that he is obviously disabled. True or false?
Four days after he was confirmed as HUD Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson gave his first public remarks. In speeches, Dr. Carson reiterated that HUD has a vital role to play in developing the potential of all people.
In response to a leaked internal HUD budget document indicating that the Trump administration is considering more than $6 billion in cuts to HUD programs in FY 2018, Secretary Carson sent an email to agency staff stating that the published numbers are not final and the budget negotiation process is still in its early states.
Recent research of a Denver public housing program that assigns low-income families to a variety of neighborhoods found that black and Hispanic teenagers who live in mixed-income neighborhoods are less likely to drop out of school than those living in predominantly lower-income ones. George Galster, a professor of urban affairs at Wayne State University, and his co-authors found that economic desegregation can improve the educational outcomes of low-income students of color.
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) recently estimated the cost of renewing all housing vouchers in 2017 at $18.86 billion. Rents are rising at over 3 percent per year while the 2017 cost-of-living adjustments for seniors and people with disabilities with fixed incomes, who make up about half of the households using vouchers, will be just 0.3 percent.
A study published in Housing Policy Debate entitled “The Characteristics and Unmet Housing Program Needs of Disabled HUD-Assisted Households” finds a mismatch between the housing needs of people with a disability and HUD programs. According to the study, 70 percent of extremely low-income (ELI) households with a disability are not served by HUD programs, and a high percentage of those who receive HUD assistance still have unmet accessibility needs.