The IRS will allocate $3.8 million in unused federal low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) as a carryover to 29 states [Revenue Procedure 2024-41]. Last year’s carryover allocation was $11.4 million in two parts. The first was in October 2023 and second one in April 2024.
A state’s unused low-income housing credit carryover for a calendar year is assigned to the IRS for inclusion in a national pool of unused housing credit carryovers. State agencies make the assignment using Form 8610, Annual Low-Income Housing Credit Agencies Report.
The IRS then reallocates the amounts assigned to the national pool among qualified states in the succeeding calendar year. Each year the IRS publishes the amount of unused housing credit carryovers allocated to qualified states from the national pool. Carryover is often due to states having too little remaining LIHTC allocation authority to issue to an affordable housing site.
For calendar year 2024, the three states with the largest allocations from the national pool are California, Texas, and Florida. The three states with the lowest allocation from the national pool are Vermont, South Dakota, and Alaska.
2024 National Pool Allocation
Qualified State $ Amt. Allocated
Alaska 10,879
California 577,985
Connecticut 53,655
Delaware 15,306
Florida 335,393
Georgia 163,601
Illinois 186,154
Iowa 47,571
Kansas 43,618
Maryland 91,674
Massachusetts 103,854
Michigan 148,886
Minnesota 85,113
Nebraska 29,346
New Jersey 137,815
New Mexico 31,363
New York 290,307
North Carolina 160,727
Ohio 174,825
Oregon 62,795
Pennsylvania 192,266
Rhode Island 16,257
South Dakota 13,637
Texas 452,467
Utah 50,697
Vermont 9,604
Virginia 129,283
Washington 115,891
West Virginia 26,256