HUD recently announced it will take the next step toward an exploratory grant program to assist low-income victims of domestic violence living with HIV/AIDS. HUD released a notice of intent to fund demonstration projects focused on helping this population. HUD shared the announcement at a White House event to commemorate National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
The purpose of the notice is to solicit public comment on an exploratory grant program designed to strategically coordinate the expertise and resources of HIV/AIDS housing providers and domestic violence and sexual assault service providers. All comments received will be considered in the development of a Notice of Funding Availability that will explain requirements for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)/Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Project Demonstration, detail project selection criteria, and solicit applications.
"Every person should be able to live in a safe and stable environment," said HUD Secretary Julián Castro. "This new HUD initiative will help secure this opportunity for those living with HIV/AIDS who've been subjected to domestic violence, providing them with the housing and health services they need to build a better future."
Through the proposed demonstration, HUD will award grant funds to successful applicants to provide transitional and other temporary rental housing assistance and supportive services to low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Successful applicants will be required to partner with local domestic violence and sexual assault service providers for client outreach and engagement and for comprehensive supportive services to ensure client success in the program.
This proposed demonstration is in response to a recommendation from the Federal Interagency Working Group on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence against Women and Girls, and Gender-Related Health Disparities to enhance federal efforts in addressing HIV and intimate partner violence among homeless and marginally housed women and girls. While the Working Group focuses on women and girls, the housing assistance and supportive services provided through the demonstration will be open to all eligible clients regardless of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, race, color, religion, national origin, disability, or age.
HUD's Office of HIV/AIDS Housing (OHH) and the Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) have collaborated to identify available resources to support this demonstration. OVW and OHH executed an Interagency Agreement assigning HUD to administer the Transitional Housing Assistance Program grant funds. OHH will also identify HOPWA competitive funding, to the extent available, which can be used for the demonstration grants. The HOPWA program is the only federal program dedicated to addressing the housing needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. Grantees partner with nonprofit organizations and housing agencies to provide housing and support to program beneficiaries.