Recently, U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07) and Rep. Steve Stivers (OH-15) introduced H.R. 5776, the Tenant Income Verification Relief Act, to allow tenants on a fixed income to have their income certified and/or verified once every three years rather than annually. The legislation also calls for the HUD secretary to define the term “fixed income,” which has generally included Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
This bipartisan legislation will help streamline and reduce the burdens placed on tenants for purposes of determining their eligibility for certain federal assistance housing programs, including seniors and other individuals and families who consistently maintain a fixed income.
“This legislation will help lighten the regulatory requirements placed on housing authorities and their tenants while still ensuring accountability,” said Rep. Perlmutter. “As a result, housing authorities will be able to use their funds more efficiently while providing more opportunities for low-income tenants.”
The legislation amends the Housing Act of 1937 and applies to both public housing authorities and the voucher program. The legislation could also give more privately owned housing operators an incentive to accept vouchers, since the stock of public housing continues to face fiscal pressures in providing tenants more flexibility and choice. The bill was referred to the House Committee on Financial Services. It's important to note that this bill has been introduced in the 113th Congress and would need to be reintroduced next year.