The Senate recently confirmed President Obama’s nomination of Nani Coloretti to serve as HUD’s Deputy Secretary. As the second most senior official at HUD, Coloretti will manage HUD’s day-to-day operations, including a $45 billion annual budget and approximately 8,500 employees.
Before joining HUD, Coloretti served as an Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, where she advised the Secretary on the development and execution of the Department’s budget, strategic plans, and the internal management of the agency and its numerous bureaus. In July 2012, President Obama appointed Coloretti as a Member of the Government Accountability and Transparency Board. Following the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in 2010, Coloretti helped establish the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), serving as its Acting Chief Operating Officer.
Coloretti served as a policy advisor and budget director in San Francisco, where she led the development and implementation of the city’s $6.2 billion annual budget. Coloretti also spent six years in San Francisco as the policy and budget director at an agency that worked to improve the lives of children, youth, and families by investing in cost-cutting, evidence-based initiatives. In years prior, she served as a consultant at the Law and Economics Consulting Group, a health finance and budget analyst in the Clinton administration’s Office of Management and Budget, and a budget analyst for the State of Hawaii.