The A Call to Invest In Our Neighborhoods (ACTION) Campaign is a coalition of over 2,200 national, state, and local organizations and businesses working to address our nation’s severe shortage of affordable rental housing by protecting, expanding, and strengthening the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. The group recently updated its national and state fact sheets on the impact of the LIHTC. Nationwide, the LIHTC has financed nearly 3.2 million rental units, providing approximately 7.4 million low-income households with homes they can afford.
These national figures reflect the most recently available data and are provided on the ACTION Campaign’s newly updated National Fact Sheets. The National Fact Sheets highlight the LIHTC’s benefits for low-income families and the economy:
The ACTION Campaign advocates for the expansion of the Housing Credit so that it can further address our nation’s severe shortage of affordable housing. The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act would provide a 50 percent increase in Housing Credit allocation authority, which would result in an estimated 384,455 additional affordable homes across U.S. states and territories over the next 10 years.