State and local source-of-income nondiscrimination laws prohibit landlords from discriminating against potential renters who receive income from sources such as alimony, disability benefits, and Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs). Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) recently introduced the “Fair Housing Improvement Act of 2018.” The bill would prohibit discrimination based on source of income and veteran status. The bill (S.3612) was referred to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
In a statement to the Senate, Senator Kaine said, “Many of you know I’m a former civil rights attorney. My practice focused on fair housing, and I witnessed the pain experienced by families who were discriminated against as they searched for a home. Today, veterans who are good tenants with supportive housing vouchers can be turned down for an apartment or lease renewal because of how they pay their rent. Housing decisions should be based on your merits, not harmful stereotypes about those who receive housing assistance. If you pass a screening and background check, you shouldn’t be denied a place to live because of your service record or how your rent will be paid. Unfortunately, this happens in America every day, and it is wrong.”