The A Call To Invest in Our Neighborhoods (ACTION) Campaign is a national, grassroots coalition of over 2,200 national, state, and local organizations and businesses calling on Congress to protect, expand, and strengthen the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). The ACTION Campaign recently updated its fact sheets, which show the impact of the LIHTC in every state. The fact sheets have been updated with data through 2016, the latest data available.
The data on the state fact sheets come from the National Council of State Housing Agencies’ 2016 Factbook, with economic impact multipliers from the National Association of Home Builders and data on cost-burdened renters from the 2016 American Community Survey. The fact sheets also use data from the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s 2016 Out of Reach report, showing how many hours a minimum wage worker has to work in order to afford a modest one-bedroom apartment.
New to the state fact sheets this year is data demonstrating the impact that a 50 percent increase in Housing Credit allocation authority would have in each state. The Cantwell-Hatch Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (S. 548), bipartisan legislation to strengthen and expand the Housing Credit, includes a 50 percent increase in allocation authority.
Each state’s fact sheet can be found here.