According to media reports, the White House is expected to release President Trump’s infrastructure proposal soon. The proposal includes guiding principles for a $1.5 trillion infrastructure package. During President Trump’s State of the Union address, he called on streamlining the permitting process and added that the proposal will also include details for rebuilding initiatives in rural regions.
At the time of the speech, the White House provided reporters with a fact sheet including some additional details. That fact sheet lined up with a previously leaked draft of principles purporting to be an administration document. Both memos said half of the federal appropriations would go toward an incentive program to encourage local governments to invest in infrastructure projects, while a quarter would be allocated for rural regions.
In response to the impending proposal, the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF), a coalition of more than 70 national organizations, is urging the President and Congress to seize this moment by expanding federal investments in communities and affordable rental homes that help connect low-income families to opportunity and promote economic mobility.
CHCDF’s report, A Place to Call Home, found that increasing the supply of affordable rental homes in areas connected to good schools, well-paying jobs, healthcare, and transportation helps families climb the economic ladder and leads to greater community development. Investing in affordable housing infrastructure – including resources targeted to production, preservation, and rental assistance – bolsters productivity and economic growth, supports local job creation and increased incomes, and creates inclusive communities. Each dollar invested in affordable housing infrastructure boosts local economies by leveraging public and private resources to generate income and supports job creation and retention. Without access to affordable rental homes, the investments in transportation and infrastructure included in the President’s proposal will fall short.