HUD recently updated and posted a new HUD Form 92006, “Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing,” to the HUDClips website. This form has an updated expiration date of Nov. 30, 2015. And owners and managers must begin using this new form immediately. The form can be found at
HUD introduced Form 92006 in 2009. The form satisfies the requirements of Section 644 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (Section 644). Under Section 644, owners and public housing authorities must provide applicants, as part of their application for housing, the option to include information on an individual or organization that may be contacted to assist in providing any delivery of services or special care to applicants who become tenants and to assist with resolving any tenancy issues arising during tenancy.
Owners cannot require that applicants provide the contact information, as providing contact information is optional on the part of the applicant. Those applicants who choose not to provide the contact information should check the box on the form indicating that they “choose not to provide the contact information” and sign and date the form.
If the applicant chooses to have more than one contact person or organization, the applicant must make clear to the owner the reason each person or organization may be contacted. The owner should accommodate the applicant by allowing him or her to complete a Form HUD-92006 for each contact and indicate the reason the owner may contact the individual or organization.