With certain exceptions, households made up entirely of full-time students aren’t eligible to occupy low-income units at a tax credit site. So when you screen applicants, it’s essential to ask them questions to determine whether you can rent to them without violating this rule, known as the student rule. And you must also make sure throughout the compliance period that you continue renting to households only if they stay eligible under the rule.
In some cases you can rent a low-income unit to a household made up of students—either because not all the students attend school “full time” or because the household fits into an exception to the student rule. But you can’t just take the household’s word for it. Renting to households based only on their word can get you into trouble. In the six situations where a household made up of students is eligible, you should get documentation to prove its eligibility. This way, if a question arises during an audit, you’ll be able to show your state housing agency and the IRS how you’ve complied and you’ll keep the owner’s tax credits safe.
We’ll provide a Model Form: Student Rule Documentation Checklist. It tells you what documentation you need to show that you’ve complied with the student rule in each of the six situations. Here’s a rundown on what the checklist covers and how to use it.
Our checklist covers the six situations in which you’ll need to get documentation to prove that a household is eligible under the student rule. The situations are grouped into two sections:
Situations relating to household members’ full-time student status. The first two situations concern the full-time student status of household members [Checklist, #1(a)-(b)]. A household violates the student rule only if all its members are full-time students. You don’t need documentation to prove that a household member isn’t a student. But when a member who attends school doesn’t qualify as a “full-time student” under the tax credit law, you’ll need a way to prove it. Here are the two situations in which you must get documentation to prove that a household member isn’t a full-time student:
Situations relating to the student rule’s four exceptions. The remaining four situations correspond to each of the student rule’s four exceptions [Checklist, #2(a)-(d)]. If all the members of a low-income household are full-time students, the household is still eligible if an exception applies. But you must get documentation in each case to make sure you can prove eligibility. Here are the four situations in which a household can be eligible despite the full-time status of all its members.
If, when screening applicants, you determine that a household made up of students wouldn’t violate the student rule because one of the six situations listed on the checklist applies, you can use the checklist to get the documentation you’ll need to prove it.
You may also need to use the checklist for an existing household. If a household that previously wasn’t affected by the student rule is now made up of students, you’ll need documentation to prove its continued eligibility. And you may need to use a new checklist for a household that fit an exception if its status changes (for example, because a different exception applies).
Here’s how to complete the checklist.
Identify household. Write down the household head’s name at the top of the checklist and, if applicable, the building and unit numbers.
Check box next to applicable situation. Check the box next to the situation that applies to the household and read what documentation is needed.
Get documentation. You may need to contact a third party—a household member’s school, for example—to get documentation. Once you have the proper documentation, write down the date you got it.
Sign form. Always sign the form. This way, if someone has questions about the household’s eligibility, he’ll know to speak to you.
Keep checklist and any documentation in household file. When you complete a checklist, attach any documentation you need to prove compliance and keep the checklist in the household file.