HUD recently announced a series of initiatives to support affordable housing production. According to HUD, financing affordable and LIHTC housing is a top priority for multifamily housing. And the changes announced in a recent memo by Benjamin Metcalf, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing Programs, reflect efforts by HUD to better align HUD programs with the low-income housing tax credit sites. HUD hopes to align FHA’s underwriting process with the unique timing constraints of LIHTC projects, to increase FHA’s affordable housing production and preservation, and to test the Single Underwriter operating model. The initiatives stem from an FHA low-income housing tax credit pilot program launched in 2011.
These initiatives will be reflected in a revised Multifamily Accelerated Processing, or MAP, Guide. The organizational changes include three major areas:
In addition to the organizational changes, the HUD memo also clarified six existing policies: