HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing recently announced a revision to Section F of Housing Notice H 2012-21, “Implementation of Tenant Participation Requirements,” amending the current policy for tenant participation and the appeal procedures available to tenants or tenant organizations.
The amendment provides instructions on the enforcement and appeals procedure when a tenant has a complaint or reports a violation that’s not resolved at the local level. This includes clarifications as to what information must be included in written complaints, such as signed statements from tenants who have observed violations of 24 CFR 245 Subpart B or other program obligations, documents from owners expressing opposition to tenant organizing activities, documents denying the use of facilities for purposes of organizing an association or holding meetings, and any other forms of documentation supporting the complaint.
The memo also details how appeals by complainants will be handled. Reconsideration of the case requests are to be directed to the Office of Asset Management at Headquarters. For more information on the amendment, you can go to