The IRS recently released its latest LIHC Newsletter, which provides a forum for information about Section 42, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), and communicates technical knowledge and skills, guidance, and assistance for developing LIHTC properties.
Issue #53 provides guidance on rules regarding developer fees. A cost incurred to construct an LIHTC site building is includable in its eligible basis under IRC Section 42(d)(1) if the cost is included in the adjusted basis of depreciable residential rental property [IRC §§168 and 103], or included in the adjusted basis of depreciable property used in common areas or provided as a comparable amenity to all residential rental units in the building [IRC §168]. Being able to include this cost has a direct bearing on the amount of credit the site owner can claim each year. As such, a developer fee represents payment for the developer’s services and at least a portion of the fee is includable in eligible basis.
Issue #53 focuses attention on the following four basic developer fee guidance and audit issues to consider when examining the developer fee for an LIHTC site: character of the services to be provided; services actually provided; reasonableness of the fee amount; and method of payment.
According to Issue #53, developer services typically associated with the IRC Section 42 buildings and includable in eligible basis include, but are not limited to:
The following are developer services highlighted as not associated with the IRC Section 42 buildings, and, therefore, these costs are not includable in eligible basis. Typical services include (but are not limited to):