Utah Housing Corporation recently announced awards of its 2013 round of competition for federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). As the administrator of the LIHTC program for the State of Utah, Utah Housing received applications for 24 proposed projects, requesting a total of $11,624,000 in annual housing credits.
Awards were made to 14 projects and will include developments in Moab, Sandy, Draper, Salt Lake City, Murray, Ogden, Pleasant View, Provo, Beaver, and Roosevelt. The winning projects range in size from four to 119 rental units, representing both newly constructed and existing, to-be-refurbished buildings. The rental units will provide affordable housing for seniors, veterans, refugees, and working families and individuals unable to afford market-rate rents. Awards totaled over $6.1 million of annual credits allocated to Utah by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
The winning projects are expected to begin construction this year. Some will be complete as early as December. Applications for 2014 LIHTC will be due to Utah Housing in October 2013.
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