A significant number of low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) properties have funds through the HOME Investments Partnership (HOME) Program. The HOME program is a block grant program administered by HUD. As with most funding sources, when an owner agrees to use HOME funds at an LIHTC property, then the owner is also required to commit to meeting the compliance requirements for the HOME program. However, if both sets of rules apply and need to be met, which take priority?
Although both sets of program rules apply, “the stricter requirements of each program must be met,” according to HUD’s 2009 Compliance in HOME Rental Projects: A Guide for Property Owners, prepared by ICF International. Below are some property management issues that vary between the programs and that are highlighted in the guide.
For more information, see: Compliance in HOME Rental Projects: A Guide for Property Owners, 2009, prepared by ICF International and published by HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development.