Seattle Housing, working in partnership with Seattle’s Office of Housing, has awarded 50 project-based rental vouchers to five nonprofit low-income housing developers. Of the 50 vouchers available, 10 were awarded to Plymouth Housing Group, 12 to the Low Income Housing Institute, 5 to First Place, 19 to Sea Mar Community Health Center, and 4 to the Housing Resources Group.
The vouchers will make it possible for these organizations to offer housing units to extremely low-income residents, below 30 percent of median income, for the next 40 years. The agency awarded 50 identical vouchers in 2009.
This offering of vouchers is designated to subsidize replacement housing for units that were demolished during the redevelopment of the High Point community. Subsidies will support an inventory of housing units that contain two or more bedrooms and/or serve elderly or disabled households with on-site supportive services. The units must be designated for households with incomes of 30 percent or less of area median income.