Ocean Estates II LLC, Sun Chase American et al. agreed to pay $5,000 to settle allegations that they refused to allow a family housing in Gautier, Mississippi due to the size of their family.
The settle follows a HUD investigation of a complaint from a household with children against a newly constructed low-income housing tax credit property. The mother claimed her family was denied housing because of the number of children in the household. She said that when she met with the leasing agent, the agent asked how many persons were in the household. The complainant alleged that the agent denied her the opportunity to complete the application when she said the family was comprised of two adults and six children. The Fair Housing Act (FHA) makes it unlawful to have policies that discriminate or have a discriminatory effect against families with children.
According to the voluntary agreement in this case, in addition to the settlement, Sun Chase American agreed to place the household at the top of its waiting list if they meet all other eligibility requirements for housing; ensure its tenant selection policy is in full compliance with the federal (FHA); and ensure that employees are aware of their responsibilities under the Act.