Use of the Enterprise Verification (EIV) system became mandatory on January 31. Earlier this year, HUD also issued Notice H 2012-02, which informs owners and managers of Section 8 and HUD-assisted sites of the distribution requirements of its EIV and You brochure.
Owners and managers must give each household the brochure at the time of annual recertification along with a copy of the HUD Fact Sheet, “How Your Rent is Determined.” Applicants on the waiting list who have been selected for screening and final application processing must also be given a copy of the brochure.
You can order the English version from the HUD Direct Distribution Center at, or by calling 1-800-767-7468. Be sure to order enough copies to distribute to your existing households, as well as to anticipated new households for the next 12 months. The brochure is also available for download at the Multifamily RHIIP Web site,