On Oct. 19, the Social Security Administration announced a Cost of Living (COLA) increase of 3.6 percent. This is the first increase in two years and will be effective with the January 2012 benefit payment. Shortly after this announcement, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that premiums for Medicare Part B coverage for physician and outpatient services will increase less than projected next year, and that the deductible will actually decrease. Premiums will go up $3.50, to $99.90 per month for 2012.
This information is useful for annual recertifications. HUD has always permitted owners and agents the option of including anticipated COLAs for annual recertifications that are effective in the first few months of the year. And knowing the Medicare premium amount, it's now possible to accurately calculate medical expenses and allowances for households whose head, co-head, or spouse is either 62 years of age or older, or disabled.