Try staggering your maintenance staff's hours to add perceived value to your site, suggests marketing expert Tracey Hopkins. Maintenance staffs typically work the same hours that residents work, which means that most residents don't see the maintenance staff hard at work to keep the site running smoothly. But in marketing, visibility equals value, explains Hopkins.
So if you stagger your maintenance staff's work shifts so that some maintenance staff members start work early in the morning before residents leave for work and others start in the afternoon and work into the early evening when residents are coming home from work, residents will think they're getting more value for their rent dollar when they see your staff working for them “day and night,” Hopkins explains. This adds perceived value to your tax credit site without your having to add hours to your maintenance staff's workload, she says.
Tracey Hopkins: President, Jumpstart Marketing, 13004 Hermitage Ln., Frisco, TX 75035;