Q I spend quite a lot of time signing out keys when students come home. Some have forgotten their keys, others have left them at school, others say that their parent is usually at home, etc. Is there some type of “latch-key child” form or lease addendum that I could use to advise residents of this problem, and require them to make sure that their children have keys to enter their units so that they are not depending on me for keys on a daily basis?
A The following language provided by housing expert A.J. Johnson could be added to a site's rules and regulations relating to children who are locked out of their units. Please note that any such language should be reviewed by your site's attorney for compliance with any local laws:
Model Language
ABC Site is not responsible for the supervision of children who are locked out of their apartments. Parents or guardians are responsible for ensuring that their children have access to their apartment. In the event a child is locked out of his apartment for any reason, the parent or guardian of that child will be notified by phone. The child will be required to wait for the arrival of the parent or guardian in the leasing office. Keys will not be provided to anyone other than a parent or guardian, nor will the children be let into the apartment. If the parent or guardian has not arrived to pick up the children at the time of the scheduled office closing, Social Services will be called to pick up the children. The children will not be released to the custody of anyone other than the parent, guardian, or Social Services, unless prior, written arrangements have been made with management.
A.J. Johnson: President, A.J. Johnson Consulting Services, Inc.; (757)259-9920; http://www.ajjcs.net.