As bed bug infestations continue to mount, several groups around the country are holding symposiums to help property owners and managers better understand these pests and address the public and legal issues related to bed bugs.
The National Apartment Association, the New Jersey Apartment Association, and the Washington Multi-Family Housing Association have joined forces with the National Pest Management Association and several other groups to present two National Bed Bug Symposiums. The first will be held in Newark, N.J. on August 25, followed by Seattle, Wash. on August 27.
According to industry research, pest management companies have reported a 71 percent increase in bed bug calls since 2001. Further, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently held a National Bed Bug Summit in Washington, D.C. to discuss the burgeoning issues associated with bed bug infestation, especially in multifamily housing.
For more information about these symposiums, visit, or call NPMA at (800) 678-6722.