Test your knowledge of common acronyms used in the low-income housing tax credit industry. On the lines below (or on a blank piece of paper), write down the terms associated with each of the following 50 acronyms. The answers appear on p. 8. This list was provided by Karen Graham of Karen A. Graham Consulting LLC.
1. ADA
2. AFR
5. BIN
6. CD
8. CFR
9. CO
10. CPM
11. CV
12. EIV
13. EUA
14. FHA
15. FMR
16. FMV
17. HCCP
18. HERA
19. HOME
20. HQS
21. IRC
22. IREM
23. LURA
24. MOR
25. MOU
26. MR
27. MTSP
28. MV
29. NAA
30. NAHB
32. NAUR
34. NH&RA
35. NMHC
36. NMTC
37. NOI
38. PHA
39. PIS
40. PLR
41. QAP
42. QCT
43. REAC
44. RD
45. SHCM
46. SSD
47. SSI
48. TANF
49. TCAP
50. UPCS
1. Americans with Disabilities Act
2. Applicable Federal Rate
3. Area Median Gross Income
4. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
5. Building Identification Number
6. Certificate of Deposit
7. Community Development Block Grants
8. Code of Federal Regulations
9. Certificate of Occupancy
10. Certified Property Manager
11. Cash Value
12. Enterprise Income Verification
13. Extended Use Agreement
14. Fair Housing Act
15. Fair Market Rent
16. Fair Market Value
17. Housing Credit Certified Professional
18. Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008
19. Home Investment Partnership Program
20. Housing Quality Standards
21. Internal Revenue Code
22. Institute of Real Estate Management
23. Land Use Restriction Agreement
24. Management and Occupancy Report
25. Memorandum of Understanding
26. Market Rate
27. Multifamily Tax Subsidized Project
28. Market Value
29. National Apartment Association
30. National Association of Home Builders
31. National Affordable Housing Management Association
32. Next Available Unit Rule
33. National Council of State Housing Agencies
34. National Housing & Rehabilitation Association
35. National Multi-Housing Council
36. New Markets Tax Credit
37. Net Operating Income
38. Public Housing Authority
39. Placed in Service
40. Private Letter Ruling
41. Qualified Allocation Plan
42. Qualified Census Tract
43. Real Estate Assessment Center
44. USDA Rural Development
45. Specialist in Housing Credit Management
46. Social Security Disability
47. Supplemental Security Income
48. Temporary Aid to Needy Families
49. Tax Credit Assistance Program
50. Uniform Physical Condition Standards