Each April, HUD observes Fair Housing Month. This year, HUD’s theme is: “Call HUD: Because Sexual Harassment in Housing is Illegal.” This year's theme focuses on protecting individuals from harassment by property owners, managers, maintenance workers, or other residents, and helps to educate the public about what behaviors and actions constitute sexual harassment and resources HUD offers to those who experience harassment.
"While any form of discrimination stains the very fabric of our nation, HUD is especially focused on protecting the right of individuals to feel safe and secure in their homes, free from sexual harassment or unwanted sexual advances," HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in a statement. "This theme, which is a call to action, is an appeal to those who experience discrimination, particularly survivors of sexual harassment, to contact HUD for help. Much work remains to be done, but HUD’s efforts in this area are already producing real results for real people."
"Complaints we receive demonstrate the importance of continuing our commitment to shining a light on this form of discrimination and letting everyone know that HUD is here to help,” said Anna María Farías, HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO). “Even as the nation is dealing with a health crisis unlike any we have experienced in recent history, HUD is open for business and working to ensure that no one has to tolerate harassment or unwanted sexual advances in the place they call home."
Throughout the month of April, the "Humans of HUD" photoblog is featuring stories from victims of sexual harassment in housing, highlighting the personal testimonies of survivors and those who helped them. The department will also be promoting its popular "Real People. Real Results." (RPRR) series, which highlights the fair housing efforts of extraordinary people around the country. Every week in April, HUD will feature a fair housing hero who combats sexual harassment and other forms of harassment in housing.
For information about the series, visit HUD’s website at www.hud.gov/fairhousing/sexualharassment.