On Sept. 25, the U.S. Senate voted to end debate and move to consider legislation the House of Representatives passed in a short-term spending bill that would provide funding until Dec. 15 for all federally funded agencies, including HUD and USDA, after FY 2013 ends on Sept. 30.
The bill would provide an annualized funding level of $986.3 billion, slightly below the FY 2013 post-sequestration funding level. The bill, called a continuing resolution, is necessary because no FY 2014 appropriations bills have been enacted. The bill also includes language blocking any spending on implementation of President Obama’s health care law in FY 2014.
The Sept. 25 vote was the first in a series that will culminate in a final vote on Sept. 29. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) will introduce a new version that strips the language they oppose from the bill and return it to the House to avoid a government shutdown on Oct. 1.