We have given you seven rules on the FHA's design and construction standards. Now let's look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the COACH's Quiz to see what you have learned.
INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the following questions has only one correct answer. On a separate piece of paper, write down the number of each question, followed by the answer you think is correct—for example, 1)b, 2)a, and so on.
COACH's TIP: The correct answers (with explanations) follow the quiz. Good luck!
Your community is being built on hilly terrain where it would be necessary to climb a long and steep stairway to enter the units. You do not have to provide an accessible route to those units. True or false?
Your community includes a newly constructed building without an elevator. The ground-floor units feature one bathroom with two bathroom doors, one leading to the hallway and the other leading to a bedroom. When a new resident in a wheelchair moves in, she notices that the door leading to the bedroom is too narrow to allow her to pass through. The tenant wants the door widened. What should you do?
Ignore her request. She has access to the bathroom through one doorway, so there's no violation.
Allow her to have the doorway widened at her own expense.
Pay to widen the doorway in her unit.
Pay to widen the doorways in all the ground-floor units.
Your community is covered under the FHA's design and construction standards. An elderly resident wants grab bars installed in the bathtub because she is worried about falling. What should you do?
Install the grab bars at your expense.
Ask her to submit a request under your policy governing reasonable accommodations.
Deny her request.
Your community was open for first occupancy in 1988, and the outlets in many of the units are located 12 inches from the floor. To meet the FHA's design and construction requirements, you have to move all the outlets so they are at least 15 inches from the floor. True or false?
Correct answer: a
Reason: Rule #1 applies here.
Rule #1: Provide Accessible Building Entrance on Accessible Route
Though the FHA requires all covered multifamily dwellings to have at least one building entrance on an accessible route, the rule carves out an exception where it is impractical to provide such an entrance because of the terrain or unusual characteristics of the site.
To take advantage of this exception, however, you'll need proof. HUD regulations place the burden of establishing impracticality because of terrain or unusual site characteristics on those who design or construct the building.
Wrong answer explained:
There is an exception to the requirement of having an accessible building entrance on an accessible route when it is impractical to provide one because of the terrain or unusual characteristics of the site.
Correct answer: d
Reason: Rule #3 applies here.
Rule #3: Ensure All Doors into and Within Premises Are Wheelchair-Accessible
All doors that allow passage into and within all premises must be wide enough to allow passage by people in wheelchairs, including both doors to a bathroom.
Wrong answers explained:
The FHA requires that all doors that allow passage within the unit be usable, including both doors to the bathroom.
Because her unit is covered under the FHA's design and construction requirements, it is your responsibility, not hers, to pay to have the door widened.
This requirement applies to all your ground-floor units, not just the one occupied by a resident with disabilities.
Correct answer: b
Reason: Rule #6 applies here.
Rule #6: Reinforce Bathroom Walls for Later Installation of Grab Bars
The FHA's design and construction requirements require only reinforcement of bathroom walls to allow installation of grab bars—not installation of the grab bars themselves. However, you should address the resident's request under your policy governing reasonable accommodations for residents with disabilities.
Wrong answers explained:
The FHA's design and construction requirements are limited to reinforcements in bathroom walls for later installation of grab bars, not installation of the grab bars themselves.
Although you are not required to install the grab bars under the FHA's design and construction requirements, you should consider the resident's request under your policy on reasonable accommodations.
Correct answer: b
Reason: Rule #5 applies here.
Rule #5: Place Environmental Controls in Accessible Locations
Although the FHA requires outlets to be in an accessible location—no lower than 15 inches above the floor, according to HUD's FHA Accessibility Guidelines—the FHA's design and construction requirements do not apply to communities open for first occupancy before March 13, 1991.
Wrong answer explained:
Because your community was open for first occupancy in 1988, your community is not covered by the FHA design and construction requirements.