We've given you nine rules to help you prevent fair housing complaints that arise from leasing tours. Now let's look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the COACH's Quiz to see what you have learned.
INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the following questions has only one correct answer. On a separate piece of paper, write down the number of each question, followed by the answer you think is correct—for example, (1)b, (2)a, and so on. The correct answers (with explanations) follow the quiz. Good luck!
Your policy is to ask all adult prospects to produce photo identification before leasing consultants will take them on a tour. Based on concerns about the validity of IDs issued by some foreign countries, you may require prospects to produce a U.S. or state-issued ID. True or false?
A prospect in a wheelchair comes to your office, asking about available one-bedroom units. You have five available one-bedroom units that meet his criteria, but three are located on upper floors. You may:
Offer to show him only the two ground-floor units;
Tell him about all five, but suggest that he would be more comfortable in one of the ground-floor units; or
Tell him about all five, and ask which ones he would like to see.
Correct answer: b
Reason: Rule #2 applies here:
Rule #2: Set Policy on Photo IDs
You could be accused of discrimination based on national origin by foreign-born prospects if you accept only U.S. or state-issued forms of identification before taking them on a tour of your community.
Correct answer: c
Reason: Rules #6 and #7 apply here:
Rule #6: Offer to Show Prospects All Available Units That Meet Their Needs
Rule #7: Don't “Steer”
Offer to show the prospect all available units that meet his stated needs, regardless of his disability. It's unlawful to limit his housing choices based on your beliefs about what he would prefer or what would be best for him.
Wrong answers explained:
Unless you tell him about all five units, you may be accused of denying him housing or unlawful steering based on his disability.
Expressing your personal opinions to discourage him from looking at units on upper floors amounts to unlawful steering in violation of fair housing law.