We have given you the answers to the 12 most common questions about assistance animals under fair housing law. Now let's look at how the rules might apply in the real world. Take the COACH's Quiz to see what you have learned.
INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the following questions has only one correct answer. On a separate piece of paper, write down the number of each question, followed by the answer you think is correct—for example, 1)b, 2)a, and so on. The correct answers (with explanations) follow the quiz. Good luck!
Only dogs that are specially trained to perform tasks for individuals with disabilities qualify as assistance animals under federal fair housing laws. True or false?
If your community has a no-pet policy, you may refuse to rent to an applicant who says he needs his dog for emotional support. True or false?
We can require all applicants who have animals to pay any extra fees or additional security deposit to cover any potential property damage the animal may cause. True or false?
Correct answer: b
Reason: The answer to Question #3 applies here:
Question #3: Can We Limit Exception to Service Dogs or Require Certification of Specialized Training?
Answer: No.
Although the ADA limits service animals to individually trained dogs, federal fair housing laws recognize that assistance animals may include a wide variety of species, which provide various forms of assistance—including emotional support—with or without specialized training.
Correct answer: b
Reason: The answer to Question #5 applies here:
Question #5: Do We Have to Allow Request for Assistance Animal if Resident Doesn't Appear to Be Disabled?
Answer: Yes, depending on the circumstances.
Fair housing law defines “disability” to include a variety of physical and emotional impairments that may not be obvious or apparent to the housing provider. Although you may request disability-related information if the applicant does not have an apparent disability, you must grant his request for an assistance animal if he has a qualifying disability and has a disability-related need for the animal.
Correct answer: b
Reason: The answer to Question #9 applies here:
Question #9: Can We Charge Extra Fees to Cover Potential Damages Caused by Assistance Animals?
Answer: No.
A community may not require an applicant with a disability to pay a fee or a security deposit as a condition of allowing him to keep an assistance animal.