The standard lease form that you use might require a tenant to add you to its commercial general liability (CGL) policy as an “additional named insured.” You might think that this additional named insured status gives you the same rights as the tenant under its CGL policy, and that’s why you have been operating this way, but there can be disadvantages.
Demanding that the tenant add you as an additional named insured can backfire. First, you should understand the concept of additional named insured status. A CGL policy must have a “named insured” before including an additional named insured. Under the tenant’s CGL policy, the tenant is the named insured—that is, the person to whom the policy is issued and whose name appears on it. There can be more than one named insured—in that case, the primary named insured is called the first named insured and the others are called the “additional named insureds.” An additional named insured is usually the first named insured’s affiliate or subsidiary. The CGL policy provides coverage to a named insured and its officers, directors, stockholders, employees, partners, members, agents, and affiliates.
A named insured has many rights under the policy—including the right to amend the amount of coverage and file claims. But there are also obligations: The named insured is responsible for paying the policy’s premiums and deductibles. And the named insured is subject to any defenses that an insurer might assert against it in an effort to avoid paying a claim. So the tenant may have a hard time getting its claim paid.
Although an additional named insured has all of the rights of the named insured, it also has all of its obligations—including the obligation to pay the policy’s premiums. The additional named insured is also subject to all the defenses that the insurer might assert against the named insured. So if the insurer is successful in its defense against the named insured, the additional named insured can’t get its claim paid either. So what you can do?
Use Less Risky ‘Additional Insured’ Status
The solution is to revise your standard lease form to require the tenant to add you to its CGL policy as an “additional insured”—instead of an additional named insured. (An additional insured is added to a CGL policy through an endorsement.) There are many advantages to being an additional insured. For instance, as an additional insured, you:
Also, while a named insured and an additional named insured must promptly notify the insurer of any occurrence that might result in a claim (and failing to do so may invalidate their claim), an additional insured doesn’t have that notification requirement.