Although there are tenants out there that are looking to lease commercial space, in today's economy they're much harder to find and, in some cases, even harder to maintain. That was one of the results of a spotcheck on the state of the industry conducted by the Insider.
Experts say that the reality, whether most owners like it or not, is that they have to be sensitive to what their tenants are experiencing. And if there's something that they can do to help them succeed, they should step up and do it.
The key, however, to being able to offer assistance to struggling tenants is actually having knowledge of their situation. The owners that we've spoken to say that one of the main problems they face is trying to save tenants who have waited too long to let them know that they are in trouble. That is why it is so important for property owners and managers to keep in touch with their tenants on a regular basis, so they can get some insights into their tenants' financial health.