HUD and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are collaborating to provide housing assistance for nonelderly individuals with disabilities. Approximately $40 million is being made available to support independent living as an alternative to institutional care.
HUD will work with public housing authorities (PHAs) across the country to fund roughly 5,300 Housing Choice Vouchers for the program. HHS will use its network of state Medicaid agencies and local human services organizations to link eligible individuals and their families to local housing agencies that will administer voucher distribution.
Of the 5,300 vouchers set aside as part of this program, up to 1,000 will be targeted for nonelderly individuals with disabilities who currently live in institutions but who could move into the community with assistance (Category II). The remaining 4,300 (Category I) can be used for this purpose also, but are targeted for use by nonelderly individuals with disabilities and their families in the community to allow them to access affordable housing that adequately meets their needs.