Digital Realty Trust, Inc., the world’s largest wholesale datacenter provider, has signed turn-key datacenter leases with two customers for its new 132,300 square foot datacenter facility in Ashburn, Va. The company says that the demand for its turn-key datacenter solution is from the acceleration of Internet enterprises, particularly in Northern Virginia. As a result, the new building was leased well ahead of budget and Digital Realty Trust has begun construction planning for two additional datacenter facilities on the Ashburn property. The additional datacenter facilities are expected to have 155,000 square feet and 115,000 square feet, respectively, and are on track to be completed in early 2011.
Digital Realty Trust’s turn-key datacenter facilities provide state-of-the-art environments for the equipment and offices of information technology and internet enterprises, manufacturing companies, and financial services firms while optimizing energy efficiency. Each turn-key datacenter facility features “Green” power and cooling systems.