On Sept. 16, HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs announced it’s opening a new application period for owners to apply for more than $180 million in supplemental operating funds to support expenses for protecting residents and staff from COVID-19 (HUD Notice H 2021-05). Owners of properties participating in HUD’s Section 202 Housing for Low- and Very-Low Income Elderly, Section 811 Housing for Low- and Very-Low Income Persons with Disabilities, and Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance programs are eligible to receive reimbursements from this pool of funds.
The announcement is the fourth and likely final request window for COVID-19 Supplemental Payments (CSP) made available through the enactment of the CARES Act in 2020. With this legislation, $1 billion was appropriated for the Project-Based Rental Assistance program (PBRA), $50 million for Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly, and $15 million for Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities.
New flexibilities. For this round, HUD has implemented some new flexibilities to more adequately address pressing needs:
We’ll go over the types of costs eligible for reimbursement, the minimum payment amounts, and how to request CSP funds.
Owners of sites with all types of project-based rental assistance contracts directly administered by HUD”s Office of Multifamily Housing. This includes Section 8 PBRA, Section 202 PRACs, SPRACs, and PACs, and Section 811 PRAC. Sites that receive Section 811 Project Rental Assistance via a state housing agency are not eligible.
To receive CSP, all properties must be in good standing with HUD and must meet the financial need criteria. A site in good standing with HUD is dependent on Management and Occupancy Reviews, REAC inspection scores, and Annual Financial Statement reporting. For the financial need criteria, an example is that sites with current residual receipt account balances must first utilize any balances in excess of $250 per unit. However, some of the financial need criteria for smaller requests are waived in this fourth round.
Also, as in previous rounds, sites anticipating surplus cash at any point in the next 12 months are not eligible for a CSP. However, in this fourth round of CSP funds, sites projecting surplus cash are now eligible for amounts up to the Standard CSP cap for expenses incurred from April 1, 2021, to Oct. 31, 2021.
CSP funds are available for operating cost increases that are directly related to a site’s efforts to prevent and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Personal protective equipment (PPE), increased cleaning and sanitization, as well as air filtration expenses, are among the most common expenditures.
With this fourth round, a few new types of eligible expenses have been added. These include WiFi Internet equipment, HVAC upgrades, and in limited cases emergency generators. HUD has divided eligible costs into two categories—operational expenses and capital expenses.
Operational expenses. These expenses include the following:
Eligible capital expenses. This CSP round considers reimbursement of certain capital investments made in direct response to COVID-19 that will benefit the property over a multi-year period that includes (but may extend beyond) the period for which the property is affected by COVID-19. These expenses are newly eligible in this round:
Under this round, all properties with CSP-eligible expenses can expect to receive a minimum payment that’s calculated based on each site’s standard CSP payment amount. Payments for requests above the minimum level may be prorated if funds aren’t sufficient to fully reimburse all eligible requests.
The Standard CSP payment cap is calculated based on each site’s Standard CSP payment amount. Minimum payments for Section 8 PBRA properties will be equivalent to the Standard CSP amount. However, due to the level of available funds, for all PRAC, SPRAC, and PAC contracts, HUD’s minimum expected payment will be 70 percent of the Standard CSP amount. An upper limit of $25,000 has been added to Standard CSP requests.
The minimum payment per property for round four is calculated using the following formula:
Sites can request larger sums above the Standard CSP cap to address cost increases associated with responding to reported COVID-19 outbreaks among property residents or in response to extensive community exposure that creates a threat to the health and safety of residents within the community. These requests must be submitted with supporting documentation for expenses and evidence of specific COVID-19 impacts.
To request CSP funds, owners need to complete form HUD 52671-E and email it to HUD or their contract administrator no later than Nov. 19, 2021. You can find the form at www.hud.gov/sites/dfiles/OCHCO/documents/52671-e.pdf.
Some smaller requests covering multiple operating periods may be combined on a single HUD-52671-E. If an owner hasn’t previously received a CSP for expenses incurred in a particular prior period, is now seeking reimbursement for multiple operating periods, and the total expenses fall below the single period Standard CSP cap, the owner may choose to combine all expenses on one HUD-52671-E.
If an owner is seeking reimbursement for multiple operating periods, and the total expenses for which reimbursement is being sought exceed the Standard CSP cap, the owner must separate expenses from the different operating periods and submit up to four separate HUD-52671-E forms.
Some smaller requests covering multiple operating periods may be combined on a single Combined Request. An owner may choose to combine all expenses if: (a) the owner hasn’t previously received CSP for expenses incurred in a particular prior period; (b) the owner is now seeking reimbursement for multiple operating periods; and (c) the total expenses are less than the single period Standard CSP cap.
In prior CSP rounds, HUD wouldn’t provide CSP for expenses incurred in an operating period for which CSP was previously approved. For this round, HUD is permitting owners to amend approved prior round CSP requests to include additional expenses that they may have inadvertently omitted or that are now eligible by the Round IV notice.