HUD continues to encourage owners of multifamily properties to work with tenants who have lost jobs and income due to the COVID-19 pandemic to help them stay stably housed. HUD recently issued a brochure entitled, “Promoting Housing Stability During the COVID-19 National Emergency.” The brochure applies to multifamily housing programs, but doesn’t apply to Public Housing or Housing Choice Voucher programs.
The brochure details protections for renters during the CARES Act eviction moratorium, and describes options that owners will have after the expiration of the moratorium. Owners must give a 30-day notice to vacate after the moratorium has ended, and must follow any state or local grace periods.
Separately, HUD recently published Housing Notice H 20-07, “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Eviction Moratorium,” which extends the moratorium on evictions for all HUD-insured or HUD-held mortgages while under forbearance, and provides guidance on tenant protections for multifamily properties not subject to forbearance and those with HUD-assisted units.
According to the notice, HUD is particularly concerned about the impact of the expiration of the tenant protections provided by the CARES Act, and encourages owners, agents, and contract administrators to work with those residents who have been impacted by the COVID-19 emergency. The notice recommends rent repayment plans, delayed evictions, loans, or other resources to lessen the impact of lost rental income, and state and local evictions moratoria to help preserve housing stability for residents. Notice H-20-07 remains in effect throughout the national emergency or until rescinded.