On June 18, David Vargas, REAC’s Deputy Assistant Secretary, gave a presentation to the National Leased Housing Association (NLHA) to discuss the safe return of Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) and National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) operations. In early March, REAC postponed all inspections until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With regard to decisions about resuming inspections, REAC’s primary concern has been the health and safety of residents, site staff, HUD inspectors, and contract inspectors. In a normal year, REAC conducts about 13,000 to 15,000 inspections, and the suspension has caused a significant backlog.
Vargas stated that regular inspection protocol, both related to the 14-day inspection notification time frame and the unit sample size, would remain the same once inspections restart. The presentation discussed how REAC is planning to phase properties into inspections, with its initial focus being Multifamily HUD properties most in need of inspections. This would include properties with existing failing or poor performing previous scores and other risk-based criteria.
According to the presentation, HUD provided an outline of a REAC return to operations plan, which has been finalized. The decision to suspend inspections was made by the HUD Secretary and the decision to resume inspections according to the return to operations plan is likely be made on or about July 15, 2020. The date to return to onsite inspections would be at least 30 days from this point. After that 30-day period, inspectors could then call to provide 14-day notice.
This means that if your site falls under one of HUD’s risk criteria, you could be looking at inspections as early as September 2020.
Because the pandemic is affecting some parts of the country more severely than others, HUD will be continuously assessing conditions on the ground when considering inspections. In 2020, the Multifamily portfolio is the priority for the first phase of inspections, with Public Housing inspections resuming in 2021. REAC will first be looking at sites it hasn't seen in a while or those that have scored low previously. Sites considered eligible for inspection will be determined as follows:
The full return to REAC inspections will start this year. The presentation clarified that when and where it happens won’t be a surprise to owners. The notification and validation steps REAC will be taking are as follows: