SITUATION: You just found out that Ann Smith, one of your residents, has tested positive for COVID-19 and is now in self-isolation for 14 days. You immediately report the case to the local health authorities. You post signs and notices in common areas alerting other residents that a building resident has been confirmed as having COVID-19. You tell maintenance staff who had contact with Ann in the past 48 hours that a resident they recently encountered has COVID-19 and advise them to get tested or go into precautionary self-isolation. Finally, you email Ann’s neighbors to tell them she has COVID-19 and advise them to stay away from her until she safely re-emerges from self-isolation.
QUESTION: Which of your response actions was illegal?
A. Reporting Ann’s case to local health officials.
B. Notifying maintenance staff that a resident has COVID-19.
C. Posting signs and notices about somebody in the building having COVID-19.
D. Telling the neighbors about Ann’s case and warning them to keep away.