President Trump recently unveiled his administration’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 budget, “A Budget for America’s Future,” which would provide HUD with $47.9 billion in funding. This figure represents a cut of $8.6 billion, or 15 percent below 2020 enacted levels.
The FY 2021 budget request mimics the last three proposed annual budgets in that the FY 2021 budget would eliminate the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, the Housing Trust Fund, the Community Development Block Grant, the Public Housing Capital Fund, the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative, and the Capital Magnet Fund, as well as USDA’s Section 502 Single-Family Housing Direct Loans, Section 515 Multifamily Housing Direct Loans, and Section 504 Home Repair program. HUD’s FY 2021 budget also requests insufficient funding to renew all tenant- and project-based rental assistance.
The HUD budget does include some funding increases. There’s an increase to Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control (an increase of $70 million), Family Self-Sufficiency (an increase of $10 million) and Jobs-Plus (an increase of $85 million), Housing for the Elderly (an increase of $60 million), Section 811 Housing for People with Disabilities (an increase of $50 million), and Project-Based Rental Assistance (an increase of $72 million).